Babies and Toddlers

Splish Splah Aqua Playgroup for Babies from 4 to 6 months
It is a non-structured session designed to cater for infant and preschool participants attending with their parents/guardians or appropriate adults carers.
We understand that the thought of your baby swimming can be a slightly daunting experience when trying it for the first time. For the most part there is nothing to worry about as infants can start swimming from birth.
Babies often love to splish and splash, they enjoy getting wet and playing in the water.
Playing in the water is an opportunity for your baby to become familiar in the water and to explore.
Early Childhood Development
Did you know that when babies repeat an action over and over, they are starting to master a new skill? It is working towards strengthening their neural pathways.
How It Works
Aqua playgroup is aimed at familiarising babies with water.
Parents are in the water supporting their child, whilst a qualified swim teacher guides the group through relaxed, fun activities.
Sessions are held every Friday from 9:00 am and involve a 30-minute routine consisting of holds, floating, pre-conditioning, submersion and water safety.
Booking through Active World.
$6.95 per session.
Our Integrated App
Everyone's GOswim journey is powered by innovative technology. The Active World app was specifically designed to improve communication and interaction between your swim schools and swimmers.
Your self managed personal portal will enable you to:
- View upcoming classes
- Book new classes
- Advise of us of your child's non-attendance and book make-up lessons
- Track learning pathways and progression
- Receive digital awards for effort, teamwork, perseverance and having FUN!
- Send and receive messages to the Centre staff
- Manage personal and billing details
FAQs Expand all
What are the benefits of Aqua Playgroup?
We often spend less quality time than we would like without kids. Unfortunately, it is an effect of being so busy with work and other lifestyle factors. Spending time with your child in the pool means they have you undivided attention for the duration of the class.
Other benefits for you child include:
- Building water confidence early
- Improving coordination and balance
- Helps to build muscles
- Provides quality bonding time
- Water play can improve their sleeping pattern
- Can improve a child’s appetite
What are the Aqua Playgroup requirements?
Families are to be involved in a gentle introduction for the new baby into water in a safe and welcoming environment.
Parents should have a level of understanding of water safety and skills they can introduce to their child. We are able to provide further aquatic education with mainstream classes to parents/guardians.