New Deep-Water Aqua classes!
Deep water running is an exciting aqua activity that is done in a controlled water environment. Flotation aids, buoyancy suits and aqua-jogging belts along with other floating supports allow a person to float and exercise.
Here some of the benefits of Deep water running classes:
-The non weight bearing nature reduces the shock and trauma to the lower limbs.
-The increased resistance of water enhances strength and flexibility for both upper and lower extremities.
-Excellent for recovery, rehabilitation and prevention of injury.
-Due to the resistance and added density of water, a session of workout done in water leads to more calories burned compared to the same exercise done on land
With all these benefits, deep water running is an excellent choice for doing workouts in a fun way without having to deal with joint or back pain or any other strain. It provides the opportunity to do more with less while having a group to cheer-up and support during this fun activity. Deep water running is highly recommended for everyone, so without having double thoughts.